Friday, August 22, 2014

Everyday People

Being at college has taught me a lot of things. One of those valuable lessons is who I should trust, and who I should definitely not; who I love to hang out with, and who gets on my nerves after an hour. And I've learned so much about myself in this process... like who I tend to gravitate towards, and who can always put a smile on my face. Those people tend to be the crazy ones.

By crazy, I don't mean straight jacket crazy, I mean people who dare to be different and never shy away from standing out and being fully and completely and 100% themselves. I'm almost magnetically attracted to them because they fascinate me so much and encourage me to be the same way.

I love that when I hang out with bold, daring, and unique people, I'm not as tempted to hide those traits in myself. Sometimes it's easier to fit in and blend into the crowd, but that's not what I want to do. And that's not who I want to be.

It's so incredible that there are so many different personalities, interests, and styles among so few people, but I love that those traits blend, multiply, grow, and feed off of each other when people get together. Just everyday people.

Moral of the story: I love just watching people live and breathe and be different and thrive. I love it when people stand out form the crowd and go out of my way to meet those people and get to know them, because I know they must have a fascinating story.

That is all. Be different.

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